Like many pet owners, if you are someone who has been feeding your canine companion with a conventional meat-based meal then you definitely need to think twice if your dog is getting all the essential nutrients to live a healthy and balanced life. It is well known that dogs have various omnivorous attributes: such as they have a set of teeth that can grind both meat as well as plant-based components. They have the capability to digest the majority of carbohydrates and need Vitamin A which is essentially derived from plants. Thus, for a dog to be perfectly healthy and fit it is important to give them a vegan diet in a considerable amount whether they are normal or protein-sensitive.

It is a myth that dogs run away from a vegan meal, if prepared carefully and properly they surely will slobber the meal enthusiastically and they mainly enjoy the blend of following plant-based foods:
- Rice
- Carrots
- Broccoli
- Lentils
- Chickpeas
- Beans
- Quinoa
- Leafy vegetables like kale and spinach
To ensure only the best and the most authentic vegan food products are going inside the belly of your furry friends, you can choose from the following by clicking on the links mentioned below each product:
As per the veterinarians and research, there are numerous reasons people choose to feed their dogs with a vegan food:
Food allergies: dogs that suffer from allergies are usually intolerant to animal proteins and hence, they should be given plant-based meals.
Nutrients: There are various essential nutrients that are absent in processed animal products. To reach adequate protein levels it is important to give them high-protein alternatives such as beans and legumes.
Safer alternative: with the outbreak of deadly coronavirus, feeding your dog with a plant-based diet has never been more important before. Lesser the meat better the chances of not catching infection.
Complete and balanced: there are various amazing benefits that come attached with a green recipe such as easy digestion, an increase in energy levels, better immunity and so on.
These days there are many commercial pet foods that are made up of unhealthy parts of animals and moreover to increase the longevity of the product various pesticides and antibiotics are used. By giving them such food you are inadvertently jeopardizing their health.
To make your dog’s eating routine humane, healthy and sustainable you should consider buying food from reliable pet food brands, one such brand is Halo that support sustainable and humane farming practices and uses organically produced veggies. To obtain more information you can also visit and
If your dog is suffering from serious health issues try changing the formula from non-vegetarian to vegan and see the change. Hence, feed your dogs with a vegan diet to give them a balanced and complete life.